eBook: $30

Carlos Emesqua unique approaches to Spirit Magic.
Powerful, realistic and spooky pieces of mystery done in creative new ways.

Essay: The fundamental secret for Spirit Magic
1 Fire Match: Learn how to create a self-ignite match, using any borrowed match! (No chemicals, no preparation)
2. Ectoplasm: Make an ectoplasm appear anytime, anywhere (Highly Practical)
3. Emesqua Voodoo: An unique and powerful demonstration of voodoo using business cards.
4. Image of the Soul: A paranormal phenomena using a photo and a strange vanish.
5. Emesqua Spirit Writing: Just a few pieces of papers are used to let the spirit manifest. No gimmicks!
6. Gaia: Mysterious TK movements using normal elements from nature
7. Haunted Car: The spirit of a child, and his favorite toy.

Pablo Amira-Healing: A practical method to heal your own flesh!
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